New User Registration

User Information

Language Preference: *

Company Information

Membership Category: *


Please provide the contact details of the individuals in your organization that would like to receive communications regarding:

The same contact can be entered for all three as necessary.

Please provide your business's federal riding, for your local Member of Parliament, so that we may advocate for your business in a more targeted manner.




Language Preference:

Code of Practice

Below is PIJAC Canada’s code of practice for members. As they apply to each business model, members agree to these codes, upon joining the association and every year when renewing their membership.
  • Ensuring all animals under our care are treated humanely and provided a suitable environment, according to recognized industry standards and Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations.
  • Taking necessary actions to prevent cruelty or mistreatment of animals and protecting them from undue stress or discomfort.
  • Not selling any animal known to be suffering from disease or injury and seeking veterinary attention for any animal in our care when necessary.
  • Ensuring animals in our care receive proper diet and exercise, according to the needs of the species.
  • Maintaining proper animal records to ensure prompt follow-up with the purchaser in the event of an emergency situation.
  • Ensuring employees handling animals are trained in the care and needs of such species.
  • Providing accurate information on the needs, care and wellbeing of any animal sold.
  • Not knowingly offering for sale any item or product that does not conform to Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations or that may endanger the safety of the user and or animal.
  • Maintaining clean and safe business premises as required for the comfort of animals, employees and customers alike.
  • Conducting business in accordance with Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations.


Payment Method: *